The Crazy Colleagues Survival Guide for the Office

Never underestimate the nastiness of your colleagues, even if they are just in the CC of your life!

Appetite for life and self-fulfillment thanks to fruitful teamwork? Humbug! Let’s have a look at the ugly face of truth: It is not the work itself that makes us feel like living a nightmare, no, it is the colleagues! An office equals a horror-circus: There is the guy that they call the official, his snail’s pace makes you go crazy. There is your annoying boss who behaves like he is a kind of Che Guevara for the poor. Cringe! The agent undercover, in secret mission he tries to wash your brain with his conspiracy theories. The hypochondriac, also known as the sensitive houseplant. Whenever you set the temperature on degree too high, she will become a cactus. The Bull in a China Shop who leaves traces of devastation behind and involves you in every trouble. The snob, spoilt sun of the president, who will be favored over you in each important decision. The choleric, his yells will make your ears ring like fire sirens. There is the vampire, hopeless and tricky intriguer, who wants the blood that keeps alive the company – your data! Mr. Long Fingers, a thieve by chance, who will steal your precious office supplies. And not at least there is you, poor guy, forced to waste your best years of life with these and other good-for-nothings. In this work you get familiar with the most common office personalities and it will be explained how they ruin your wellbeing and make you go crazy. But do not despair, for your fortune you will be helped here with wise advice! The infallible suggestions at the end of the chapters enlighten your road, how to overcome all conflicts with colleagues in order to not perish in the pool of sharks called “office”.

Brandneu: Crazy Colleagues Das Grafikbuch

Für diejenigen, welche  die gesamte Belegschaft zu sich einladen wollen (verrückt, sie bei der Arbeit zu sehen, sollte doch reichen!), gibt es nun auch das Crazy „Colleagues Grafikbuch“ inklusive aller 40 kollegialer Plagen! Ab sofort findet man es hier in der Ebookversion.

Chapter Overview:

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